
b. 1986, HK.


Hello! My name is Zanita.

I’m a bit of a scavenger when it comes to finding out the things people do to spark up their life.

While I love the tales of those who have sailed the world and saved several lives, I’m even fonder of the tales humbly tucked away.

And I believe we’ve all got one or two to tell. That's where I come in - SCOUTING FOR STORIES!! Putting the everyday folk on the centre stage.

You don’t need a sash or a logbook of marching hours to be in my club. If you did something that brought a little bit of fun to this crazyinsaneworld, then you my friend deserve a badge (and a gold star if you did it for the good of others).

So go wild, browse through the logbook of tales I have gathered from far and wide. 

I hope they inspire you, bring a smile or create a warm spot in your heart. But most of all, I hope they encourage you to become a scout yourself and go search for those stories hidden behind new and old faces.